As reported by NASA Spaceflight: SpaceX will conduct the second mission of its multi-launch contract
with Orbcomm Friday, with a Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket orbiting six OG2
satellites for the company’s next-generation constellation. The launch
is scheduled to occur from Cape Canaveral during a fifty-seven minute
window opening at 18:08 local time (22:08 UTC).
Falcon 9 v1.1 Mission:
SpaceX’s first Orbcomm launch consisted of a single satellite deployed as a secondary payload to the CRS-1 Dragon mission to the ISS in October 2012.
This ended in failure after a first stage engine malfunction left the rocket unable to reach the Orbcomm’s designated deployment orbit, despite unloading its Dragon payload successfully.
As a result the satellite was left in an unusable orbit from which it quickly decayed, unable to fulfil its mission. This anomaly, overall a partial failure, remains the only blemish on the Falcon 9′s launch record.
Eighteen Orbcomm Generation 2 (OG2) satellites have been produced; of these one was lost in the 2012 failure, six are aboard Friday’s launch, with the remaining eleven expected to fly together aboard a single Falcon 9 later this year.
Orbcomm has options for up to thirty more satellites which can be
produced for replenishment or to increase the size of the constellation
should it be necessary.
The prime contractor for the program is the Sierra Nevada Corporation, with Argon ST of Virginia producing their communications subsystems.
Each spacecraft is based on Sierra Nevada’s SN-100A bus, with a mass of 172 kilograms (380 lb) and is designed for an operational lifespan of at least five years. The spacecraft are each powered by a gallium-arsenide solar panel producing 400 watts of electrical power.
Each OG2 spacecraft is three-axis stabilised with hydrazine thrusters used for attitude control.
satellites’ communications systems offer transfer rates up to four
megabits per second at VHF frequencies between 137 and 153 megahertz,
with each vehicle also carrying an Automatic Identification System (AIS)
receiver to pick up identification and tracking signals broadcast by
ships at sea – Orbcomm intends to sell this data to coastguard services.
The second-generation constellation is expected to increase the capacity of the Orbcomm network six to twelve times over.
Not including Friday’s launch, forty seven Orbcomm spacecraft have been launched to date, with the first being the Orbcomm-X spacecraft which was deployed by an Ariane 4 in July 1991.
A technology demonstrator for the remainder of the constellation, no signals from the spacecraft were ever received. Two further demonstration launches occurred in 1993, followed by the first two operational satellites in April 1995.

The majority of the first-generation satellites were deployed in cluster launches which made use of Orbital Sciences’ Pegasus-XL rocket.
Three groups of eight satellites and one group of seven were launched between 1997 and 1999, with two more spacecraft flying atop a Taurus in 1998.
The original satellites were designed to operate for four years, however it was not until 2008 that a replenishment launch took place, with a Russian Kosmos-3M carrying five Orbcomm Quick Launch satellites and the CDS-3 technology demonstrator.
Most of these satellites failed within a year of the launch due to problems with their attitude control systems, while those that were not rendered completely unusable could not be used to their full capacity, and within two years all six spacecraft were unserviceable.
Orbcomm was forced to lease two VesselSat satellites from LuxSpace to provide interim capacity; these spacecraft were launched in October 2011 and January 2012.
Friday’s launch will be conducted by the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, better known as SpaceX.
The company was initially awarded a contract to launch the eighteen OG2 satellites in 2009, using its smaller Falcon 1 rocket. Expected to use the enhanced Falcon 1e configuration, which ultimately never flew, the satellites were transferred to Falcon 9 launches after SpaceX opted to withdraw the Falcon 1 from service.
The Falcon 1 had been SpaceX’s first rocket. The vehicle’s first three launches, in 2006, 2007 and 2008 all failed, however after a successful demonstration launch in September 2008, Malaysia’s RazakSat satellite was deployed in 2009 by what would turn out to be the final Falcon 1 launch.
While SpaceX initially attempted to develop the stretched and re-engined Falcon 1e, this was quickly abandoned in favour of launching more satellites as secondary payloads aboard the Falcon 9.
9 launches at Cape Canaveral take place from a former Titan launch pad,
Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40). The pad was built in the 1960s for
the Titan III, and served Titan IIIC, III(34)D and IV launches until the
final Titan launch from the Cape in 2005.
Following the demolition of the Titan service towers in 2008, SpaceX began to convert SLC-40 to a clean pad for its rocket. The first Falcon 9 went vertical at the pad in January 2009, however it was not until June 2010 that the type made its maiden flight with the deployment of the Dragon Spacecraft Qualification Unit, a “boilerplate” mockup of the Dragon spacecraft which later flights were expected to carry.
In December 2010 the Falcon 9′s second launch carried the first functional Dragon spacecraft, which completed two orbits of the Earth before being deorbited and recovered successfully.
The next three launches carried Dragon missions which resupplied the International Space Station; the first a test, with the next two as operational flights.
The first five Falcon 9 launches used a configuration which has become known retrospectively as the v1.0. In September 2013 it was replaced with the more powerful v1.1 configuration, which stretched both stages, reorganised the first stage engines into an octagonal arrangement rather than the square used on earlier missions and upgraded those engines from the Merlin-1C to 1D specification.
California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base was the scene of the v1.1′s maiden flight – this remains the only Falcon 9 mission to date not to originate from Cape Canaveral.
After a successful launch that deployed the CASSIOPE satellite for Canada, the Falcon 9 was cleared for commercial geostationary launches; deploying Luxembourg’s SES-8 in December 2013 and Thailand’s Thaicom 6 in January 2014.
The rocket’s most recent launch deployed another Dragon mission to the ISS, marking the first launch for the Dragon atop a Falcon 9 v1.1.
The most recent Dragon launch marked the introduction of landing legs at the aft end of the rocket. Intended to eventually allow spent stages to be recovered and potentially reused, these legs will again feature on Friday’s launch.
On the Dragon mission SpaceX were able to demonstrate controlled
flight up until the stage reached the ocean, and it is hoped that Friday’s launch will bring SpaceX a step closer to being able to attempt a land recovery. For this mission, however, the stage is expected to land in the sea.
A two-stage rocket, the Falcon 1 burns RP-1 propellant, oxidised by liquid oxygen, in both of its stages. The first stage is powered by nine Merlin-1D engines, while a vacuum-optimised version of the Merlin-1D propels the second stage. The rocket is named after the Millennium Falcon spacecraft in the Star Wars films.
preparation for the launch, the Falcon 9 was rolled out overnight, with
its powerup occurring at 08:38 UTC (04:38 local); thirteen and a half
hours before the beginning of the launch window.
Controllers will come on station and begin the final preparations for the vehicle’s launch. Fuelling is expected to start around three hours and fifty minutes before liftoff with oxidiser tanking, while propellant loading will be started ten minutes later.
By the three hour, 15-minute mark this will be complete apart from continual replenishment of the oxygen throughout the count as it boils off.
T-10 minutes the automated sequence will take over control of the
countdown. The rocket will transfer to internal power at the six minute
mark in the countdown. Following this the ‘strongback’ structure used to
transport it to the pad, erect it and support umbilicals will be
retracted; this will likely occur between five and four minutes ahead of
the liftoff.
At around T-3 minutes, thirty seconds the flight termination system – the self-destruct system used to ensure that the rocket cannot inadvertently hit a populated area if it goes out of control during ascent – will be transferred to internal power and subsequently armed.
The launch director will confirm the rocket is ‘go’ for launch at the two and a half minute mark, with the range control officer confirming that he is ready to proceed thirty seconds later.
minute before launch the vehicle will begin its startup sequence and
its fuel tanks will pressurize. Also around this time the pad’s water
deluge system will be turned on to protect the complex from the Falcon’s
engine exhausts.
The nine first stage engines will ignite about two seconds ahead of the rocket lifting off, giving time to ensure they have started correctly before the rocket is released.
About a minute after launch the rocket will be travelling at the speed of sound, Mach 1, with the rocket passing through the area of maximum dynamic pressure, max-Q, about fifteen seconds later.
first stage engines will burn for two minutes and 38 seconds, with the
spent stage separating around three seconds after the burn is complete.
Following a further eight second coast the second stage engine will be
The payload fairing, which protects the satellites from the atmosphere during ascent, will separate from the nose of the rocket in the first minute of second-stage flight; likely around forty-five seconds after ignition.
Second stage flight will last six minutes and 46 seconds, and its conclusion will mark the end of powered flight nine minutes and 39 seconds after liftoff. Deployment of the six OG2 satellites will begin approximately five minutes later.
The satellites are attached to the rocket by means of two EELV Secondary Payload Adaptors (ESPAs), devices which were developed by Moog Incorporated to allow Atlas V and Delta IV rockets to carry six additional payloads mounted below their primary passenger.
Instead for the Orbcomm launch the ESPA has been modified so as to
only carry four satellites, with two fitted together to provide eight
Mass simulators have been bolted to the two unused slots either side of the lower ESPA.
The Falcon 9′s target orbital parameters are a perigee of 615 kilometres (382 statute miles, 332 nautical miles), an apogee of 750 kilometres (466 miles, 405 nautical miles) and inclination of 52 degrees.
Friday’s launch is the thirty-fifth orbital attempt of 2014, with the only failure to date being May’s Proton launch with Ekspress-AM4R. It is the third Falcon 9 launch of the year, with the rocket’s next launch slated to take place in July with the AsiaSat-8 communications satellite.
For the United States, the Falcon launch is the country’s tenth of the year. The next American launches are planned for 1 July, with the Delta II making its first flight since 2011 when it orbits the OCO-2 satellite for NASA, and an Antares-120 sending the next Cygnus mission on its way to resupply the International Space Station.
(Images: via L2′s SpaceX section, now containing thousands of unreleased photos of all Dragon missions to the ISS. Other images via Jacques van Oene/, SpaceX Orbital and NASA).
Falcon 9 v1.1 Mission:
SpaceX’s first Orbcomm launch consisted of a single satellite deployed as a secondary payload to the CRS-1 Dragon mission to the ISS in October 2012.
This ended in failure after a first stage engine malfunction left the rocket unable to reach the Orbcomm’s designated deployment orbit, despite unloading its Dragon payload successfully.
As a result the satellite was left in an unusable orbit from which it quickly decayed, unable to fulfil its mission. This anomaly, overall a partial failure, remains the only blemish on the Falcon 9′s launch record.
Eighteen Orbcomm Generation 2 (OG2) satellites have been produced; of these one was lost in the 2012 failure, six are aboard Friday’s launch, with the remaining eleven expected to fly together aboard a single Falcon 9 later this year.
The prime contractor for the program is the Sierra Nevada Corporation, with Argon ST of Virginia producing their communications subsystems.
Each spacecraft is based on Sierra Nevada’s SN-100A bus, with a mass of 172 kilograms (380 lb) and is designed for an operational lifespan of at least five years. The spacecraft are each powered by a gallium-arsenide solar panel producing 400 watts of electrical power.
Each OG2 spacecraft is three-axis stabilised with hydrazine thrusters used for attitude control.
The second-generation constellation is expected to increase the capacity of the Orbcomm network six to twelve times over.
Not including Friday’s launch, forty seven Orbcomm spacecraft have been launched to date, with the first being the Orbcomm-X spacecraft which was deployed by an Ariane 4 in July 1991.
A technology demonstrator for the remainder of the constellation, no signals from the spacecraft were ever received. Two further demonstration launches occurred in 1993, followed by the first two operational satellites in April 1995.
The majority of the first-generation satellites were deployed in cluster launches which made use of Orbital Sciences’ Pegasus-XL rocket.
Three groups of eight satellites and one group of seven were launched between 1997 and 1999, with two more spacecraft flying atop a Taurus in 1998.
The original satellites were designed to operate for four years, however it was not until 2008 that a replenishment launch took place, with a Russian Kosmos-3M carrying five Orbcomm Quick Launch satellites and the CDS-3 technology demonstrator.
Most of these satellites failed within a year of the launch due to problems with their attitude control systems, while those that were not rendered completely unusable could not be used to their full capacity, and within two years all six spacecraft were unserviceable.
Orbcomm was forced to lease two VesselSat satellites from LuxSpace to provide interim capacity; these spacecraft were launched in October 2011 and January 2012.
The company was initially awarded a contract to launch the eighteen OG2 satellites in 2009, using its smaller Falcon 1 rocket. Expected to use the enhanced Falcon 1e configuration, which ultimately never flew, the satellites were transferred to Falcon 9 launches after SpaceX opted to withdraw the Falcon 1 from service.
The Falcon 1 had been SpaceX’s first rocket. The vehicle’s first three launches, in 2006, 2007 and 2008 all failed, however after a successful demonstration launch in September 2008, Malaysia’s RazakSat satellite was deployed in 2009 by what would turn out to be the final Falcon 1 launch.
While SpaceX initially attempted to develop the stretched and re-engined Falcon 1e, this was quickly abandoned in favour of launching more satellites as secondary payloads aboard the Falcon 9.
Following the demolition of the Titan service towers in 2008, SpaceX began to convert SLC-40 to a clean pad for its rocket. The first Falcon 9 went vertical at the pad in January 2009, however it was not until June 2010 that the type made its maiden flight with the deployment of the Dragon Spacecraft Qualification Unit, a “boilerplate” mockup of the Dragon spacecraft which later flights were expected to carry.
The next three launches carried Dragon missions which resupplied the International Space Station; the first a test, with the next two as operational flights.
The first five Falcon 9 launches used a configuration which has become known retrospectively as the v1.0. In September 2013 it was replaced with the more powerful v1.1 configuration, which stretched both stages, reorganised the first stage engines into an octagonal arrangement rather than the square used on earlier missions and upgraded those engines from the Merlin-1C to 1D specification.
California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base was the scene of the v1.1′s maiden flight – this remains the only Falcon 9 mission to date not to originate from Cape Canaveral.
After a successful launch that deployed the CASSIOPE satellite for Canada, the Falcon 9 was cleared for commercial geostationary launches; deploying Luxembourg’s SES-8 in December 2013 and Thailand’s Thaicom 6 in January 2014.
The rocket’s most recent launch deployed another Dragon mission to the ISS, marking the first launch for the Dragon atop a Falcon 9 v1.1.
The most recent Dragon launch marked the introduction of landing legs at the aft end of the rocket. Intended to eventually allow spent stages to be recovered and potentially reused, these legs will again feature on Friday’s launch.
A two-stage rocket, the Falcon 1 burns RP-1 propellant, oxidised by liquid oxygen, in both of its stages. The first stage is powered by nine Merlin-1D engines, while a vacuum-optimised version of the Merlin-1D propels the second stage. The rocket is named after the Millennium Falcon spacecraft in the Star Wars films.
Controllers will come on station and begin the final preparations for the vehicle’s launch. Fuelling is expected to start around three hours and fifty minutes before liftoff with oxidiser tanking, while propellant loading will be started ten minutes later.
By the three hour, 15-minute mark this will be complete apart from continual replenishment of the oxygen throughout the count as it boils off.
At around T-3 minutes, thirty seconds the flight termination system – the self-destruct system used to ensure that the rocket cannot inadvertently hit a populated area if it goes out of control during ascent – will be transferred to internal power and subsequently armed.
The launch director will confirm the rocket is ‘go’ for launch at the two and a half minute mark, with the range control officer confirming that he is ready to proceed thirty seconds later.
The nine first stage engines will ignite about two seconds ahead of the rocket lifting off, giving time to ensure they have started correctly before the rocket is released.
About a minute after launch the rocket will be travelling at the speed of sound, Mach 1, with the rocket passing through the area of maximum dynamic pressure, max-Q, about fifteen seconds later.
The payload fairing, which protects the satellites from the atmosphere during ascent, will separate from the nose of the rocket in the first minute of second-stage flight; likely around forty-five seconds after ignition.
Second stage flight will last six minutes and 46 seconds, and its conclusion will mark the end of powered flight nine minutes and 39 seconds after liftoff. Deployment of the six OG2 satellites will begin approximately five minutes later.
The satellites are attached to the rocket by means of two EELV Secondary Payload Adaptors (ESPAs), devices which were developed by Moog Incorporated to allow Atlas V and Delta IV rockets to carry six additional payloads mounted below their primary passenger.
Mass simulators have been bolted to the two unused slots either side of the lower ESPA.
The Falcon 9′s target orbital parameters are a perigee of 615 kilometres (382 statute miles, 332 nautical miles), an apogee of 750 kilometres (466 miles, 405 nautical miles) and inclination of 52 degrees.
Friday’s launch is the thirty-fifth orbital attempt of 2014, with the only failure to date being May’s Proton launch with Ekspress-AM4R. It is the third Falcon 9 launch of the year, with the rocket’s next launch slated to take place in July with the AsiaSat-8 communications satellite.
For the United States, the Falcon launch is the country’s tenth of the year. The next American launches are planned for 1 July, with the Delta II making its first flight since 2011 when it orbits the OCO-2 satellite for NASA, and an Antares-120 sending the next Cygnus mission on its way to resupply the International Space Station.
(Images: via L2′s SpaceX section, now containing thousands of unreleased photos of all Dragon missions to the ISS. Other images via Jacques van Oene/, SpaceX Orbital and NASA).