Monday, August 31, 2015

The Dreadnought 2050: England's Royal Warship Of The Future

As reported by Sky NewsEngineers have provided a glimpse of what the Royal Navy's surface ships could look like in the future.

The design of Dreadnought 2050 includes a new style of operation room that would give commanders an improved focus on areas thousands of miles away.
Engineers believe the warship could be manned by a crew of 50 - a significant reduction from modern vessels, which usually have a crew of 200.
The images of the ship have been released by a group of leading British naval electronic systems companies who worked with experts Startpoint.
The original HMS Dreadnought entered service in 1906 and was such an advance at the time that all it rendered all other major warships obsolete.
Commander Steve Prest, the Royal Navy's fleet robotics officer, said: "In 2013 the Royal Navy challenged the defense industry to innovate, and to generate new opportunities to give it an operational edge.
"We therefore welcome a project that allows some of Britain's best and brightest young engineers to come up with ideas on what a warship might look like or be equipped with in 2050.
"We want to attract the best new talent to sea to operate, maintain and develop systems with this level of ambition."
Muir Macdonald, from Startpoint, said: "The Royal Navy needs visionary, innovative thinking and these concepts point the way to cutting-edge technology which can be acquired at less cost and operated with less manpower than anything at sea today in the world's leading navies."
The images of futuristic vessel were released as Chancellor George Osborne announced £500m to be spent on sea walls, jetties and other projects at the Faslane naval base, the home of the UK's nuclear deterrent. 

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