Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tesla Model S Owners Will Benefit From a Twin-Charging Option

As reported by AutoEvolution: We’re beginning to think they never sleep at Tesla Motors, because something is always happening with Elon Musk’s company, there are always two or three things that need improvement and we incline to say that’s a good thing, especially from an owner’s point of view.

This time, Tesla Motors are taking measures regarding their destination charging initiative, a movement that has already gained a lot of momentum in the United States and in other areas around the world such as China and Hong Kong.

But while Europe might be the next target on Tesla’s agenda, the Pato Alto company decided to equip Model S vehicles with dual chargers, in an attempt to boost revenue in the near future.

According to Teslarati, this shift was identified by Tesla Motors Club commenters at the beginning of March, just after Elon Musk’s company removed the twin charger option from the Tesla Design Studio platform. However, there’s no need to worry, as Tesla service centers will install Model S cars with an onboard twin-charger. This won’t be done free of charge, but owners will have to pay $2,000 instead of $3,500.

As you know, any Tesla Model S can be configured with the Single Charger or Dual Chargers. The latter option enables twice the conversion capacity as the Single Charger when power is available, a solution that might tempt current owners who are looking to go on all-electric road trips and need quick charge at their destination.

This could also make life easy for customers who are used to drive around crowded cities all day long and can only afford a short break at the end of the day, before heading back home. Add the HPWC (High Power Wall Charger ) to the equation and range anxiety takes another hit, after the one it suffered after Elon Musk’s press conference from last week.

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