Thursday, September 11, 2014

Penalty for Driving While Texting in Long Island - a Disabled Cell Phone

As reported by Ars Technica: Motorists popped for texting-while-driving violations in Long Island could be mandated to temporarily disable their mobile phones the next time they take to the road.

That's according to Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, who says she is moving to mandate that either hardware be installed or apps be activated that disable the mobile phone while behind the wheel. The district attorney likened the texter's punishment to drunk drivers who sometimes are required to breathe into a device before turning on the ignition.

"Like ignition interlock devices, transdermal alcohol monitoring ankle bracelets, and personal breath testing instruments, DA Rice believes that available technologies must be employed in criminal sentences to change behavior and save lives. The cost of each of these devices would be borne by the offender," the prosecutor said in a press release.
She said she hasn't chosen any technology, yet:
Hardware and software solutions that block texting during driving are currently produced by various manufacturers and software developers, and are constantly under development. The DA’s office does not endorse any particular company and is in the process of reviewing specific solutions based on their features and services. Critical features include security measures to make the solutions tamper-proof, and data integrity measures to ensure accurate reporting to courts, law enforcement, parents, and guardians.
Rice's announcement came nearly a week after a Facebook-surfing driver rear-ended a car at 85 mph, killing an 89-year-old great-grandmother. The 20-year-old motorist is being charged with negligent homicide.

Newsday said Rice has already brought 82 texting-while-driving cases.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said about 20 percent of motorists text or send e-mail while driving. And Rice noted that Web surfing while driving is at least as dangerous as drunk driving.

"Research suggests that driving while texting can be as dangerous as driving while drunk, and even more pervasive, especially among young people,” Rice said. “It’s well established that the practice robs people of their lives and futures. Tackling this problem will require a concerted effort by numerous sectors of commerce and government."

Across the country, 44 states ban text messaging for drivers. At least 12 states bar drivers from using mobile phones at all.

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