Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wisconsin Committee Defines Illegal GPS Tracking

As reported by The Sacramento BeeA legislative committee in Wisconsin has approved a bill that would outlaw secretly placing GPS devices on people's vehicles.

Under the bill, anyone who secretly places a GPS device on another person's vehicle or obtains information about a person's movement using a GPS device would be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and nine months in jail.

The Assembly's criminal justice committee held a public hearing on the bill Thursday. The bill's author, Republican Rep. Adam Neylon, was the only person who spoke. He said secret GPS tracking amounts to an invasion of privacy.
The committee approved the measure unanimously after the hearing. The vote clears the way for a full vote in the Assembly. Time is running out, though. The legislative session wraps up next month.

Read more here:

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