Friday, March 28, 2014

Survey: More Than 1 In 4 Car Crashes Involve Cellphone Use

As reported by CBS NY: Texting and driving is dangerous but a new survey finds talking on a cellphone while behind the wheel may be even worse.

As WCBS 880′s Paul Murnane reported from Stamford, the National Safety Council’s annual report found 26 percent of all crashes are tied to phone use, but noted just 5 percent involved texting.

Safety advocates are lobbying now for a total ban on driver phone use, pointing to studies that headsets do not reduce driver distraction.

Some motorists said they support the idea.

“Everybody’s on a telephone. If people do cut you off, you look and they’re talking on the telephone. I think they are a problem.” a driver told Murnane. “Hands-free or not.”

“People just get too involved in the conversation. Either pull over or wait,” said another man.

The survey found a 1 percent increase in cellphone-involved accidents compared with the previous year.

A spokesperson for the non-profit Governors Highway Safety Association told that it may be that drivers are more comfortable calling than texting in a moving vehicle.

The group believes the data on distracted crashes is underreported.

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