Friday, September 13, 2013

DNA Tracker Wins Asia Contract for Wireless Location Monitoring

DNA Tracker has announced a new contract to install it's Target
Proximity Monitoring System
for a South East Asian government.
As reported by Shepard MediaThe new contract includes both static and mobile devices, along with a data analysis and visualization capability. Deployment is scheduled to commence before the end of 2013, and be completed by 2014.

The system will be deployed to protect high value government sites throughout the country.
Speaking to Shephard at the DSEI exhibition, Alexander Giles, associate director for DNA Tracker, said the product was ready to be shipped pending the completion of various compliance assessments.

‘The end customer has signed on with an initial order, which is substantial, which we are very confident will lead to further orders. In addition we are running field trials right now for two NATO countries, and we anticipate that by the end of the year we will have another country signed on as a third order,‘ said Giles. 
‘The technology is ours, patented here in the UK. What we have is the capability to pick up most emitting signals you may be carrying with you, for example your mobile phone, including 2G, 3G, WIFI, and blue tooth. We are currently developing solutions for 4G and CDMA. We are confident we will have a system to demonstrate those capabilities by the end of the year.’
The system tracks and records real-time geo-location data for all targets within a defined area. Threat levels can be allocated to individual targets, and subsets of geo-perimeters defined within the monitored area to trigger alerts when specific criteria are met.
The software date-stamps each device as it arrives, and allows us to define a geo-fence for blacklisted individuals for whom we have a specific interest in limiting access to a given area. The moment they enter that area, an alert is generated,’ said Giles. 
This capability, combined with the devices capacity to track movements over time within a given area, lends itself to security applications where detection of anomalous behaviors is a requirement, for example airports and prisons
‘For example, anyone who enters an airport and lingers for longer than 90 minutes, which is the usual time between check-in and flights, can be flagged up by this device,’ Giles explained.   
The system plugs into an existing phone mast or power supply, and has an effective range of 200 meters. This will extend out to the range of the device the system is coupled to. 
‘There are some environments where you will have a range of up to 1000 meters – for example if you paired the device to a mobile phone mast. So the same restrictions that apply to a mobile phone mast in its ability to be of use to you, exist with this device.’
To deploy remotely, the system requires a battery pack. In very remote areas, the system can be coupled to a SATCOM device.  
According to Giles, the system also has the capability to be integrated into existing security networks.
‘Right now we have a standalone product, which we do not pretend to be the 100% answer to your surveillance requirements, for the simple fact that for obvious reasons it does rely on the fact that your device is on.’

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